CBSE UGC NET July 2016 Cut Off Marks Category Wise [Expected] at

CBSE UGC NET July 2016 Cut Off Marks– The first of the year’s prestigious UGC NET 2016 exams is being conducted on the 10th of July, 2016. The CBSE board is planning to release the UGC NET July 2016 Cut off marks before the results, to put the candidates at ease. UGC NET Cut off list will be published category wise for General, OBC, SC, ST. The exam is now conducted by CBSE instead of University Grants Commission. Now it is called the CBSE NET. The UGC CBSE NET is conducted in order to offer the Jawaharlal Nehru Fellowship (JRF) and for the eligibility for Assistant Professors in as many as 83 cities. The UGC CBSE NET 2016 is being conducted in across 89 NET examination centers.  It is conducted twice a year, around June and December.

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CBSE UGC NET July 2016 Cut Off Marks:

There’s a huge interest among the applicants to know the CBSE UGC NET 2016 Expected Cut off. The UGC CBSE NET is conducted in three phases, first two phases consisting of 100 marks and the third phase will be consisting of 150 marks.

The Minimum Qualifying Marks determine the eventually UGC NET July 2016 Cut off Marks.

The Minimum Qualifying Marks, Marks Percentage, Category Wise are as follows:

Category Paper – I Paper – II Paper – III
General 40(40%) 40(40%) 75(50%)
OBC(NC)/PWD/SC/ST 35(35%) 35(35%) 60(40%)
      The UGC NET 2016 Expected Cutoff should be more than the aggregate i.e. average of the qualifying marks obtained in the three papers. ( Ex: aggregate for General category – 40+40+75 divided by 3).
      The UGC NET July 2016 Cut off will be at least more than the following marks , Category wise:
  • The top 15 % persons who have obtained the highest aggregate (average of the three papers) marks will be considered for the eligibility of Assistant Professor and out of those 15%, a separate merit list is prepared for the JRF fellows.General Category are 51.6 marks ;
  • Whereas for the OBC/PWD/SC/ST is 43.3 marks.

The UGC NET 2016 Cut off Marks will be more than the minimum qualifying marks for each category. The CBSE UGC NET Cut Off depends on various factors such as

  1. Number of persons who have attempted for each subject.
  2. The Category one comes under
  3. The subject chosen.

Note: The CBSE UGC NET Cut off 2016 will be different for different subjects:

The UGC NET July 2016 Cut off Marks will be made available on the official website of CBSE i.e. The UGC NET 2016 Expected Cutoff can be based on the previous year’s Cut-offs.

To know the cut off of 2015 , Category wise,

  1. the UGC NET 2015 December Cut off  –
  2. the UGC NET 2014 June Cut off –
  3. The UGC NET 2013 December Cut off –
  4. the UGC NET 2012 June Cut off

On the basis of above mentioned links, you can get a rough idea about expected cut off via Last year’s exams cut off list. Final Cut off list will be published soon on the official website and