CISCE ISC 12th Result 2016 Declared | ISC Results at

CISCE ISC 12th Result 2016– CISCE is all set to announce the CISCE ISC Result 2016 to release as the CISCE ISC 12th Result 2016 declare date has been scheduled for 6th May 2016. Every year the Council for the Indian School Certificate Examinations conducts the ICSE or class 10th examination and the ISC or class 12th examination. Between these two examination schedules, the ISC is the more difficult and more prestigious one as it is the Intermediate level examination for the students of class 12. The students appear for this examination to step into a broader field of future and higher education. However, for that the students, who appeared for this ISC examination conducted by the CISCE or the Council for the Indian School Certificate Examinations in this year 2016, need to check for their CISCE ISC Result 2016 or CISCE ISC 12th Result 2016.

CISCE ISC 12th Result 2016:

This year, in 2016, the examination was conducted by the council in the month of February. The ISC or the Indian School Certificate examination is a prestigious examination that many students from across the country appear from, via their affiliated schools. The board announced that theCISCE 12th Result 2016 will be declared on the month of May. The result will be available on the website

Date of CISCE ISC Result 2016:

Students can visit the website and check their ISC Result 2016 on the declared date. As of now, the council has announced that the result of ISC examination 2016 for class 12th will be announced on 6th May, 2016 right at 3.00 PM. On this CISCE ISC Result 2016 Date, the students can access the results from the website. The easiest method of accessing the results is online. Hence, students need to be ready to access the website to check their results.

Accessing the CISCE 12th Result 2016:

If you want to access the Delhi Class 12 Result 2016 or CISCE 12th Result 2016 or CISCE ISC Result 2016, you need to visit the website and click on the link that will direct you straight to the list of results for the students. There the students need to enter their Unique ID and the Captcha given there. As soon as this process is completed, the complete list of the marks and the entire mark sheet will appear on the computer screen. The students can go through the CISCE ISC Results Roll No wise.

Since the registration of the students is done in a systematic way, the schools too can go through the entire CISCE ISC 12th result 2016 school wise and name wise. The council also offers the facility of accessing the results through SMS. For that the students will have to SMS their Unique ID code, the seven digit number by typing ‘ISC’ followed by the number and send it to 09248082883. The results will appear in a clear and understandable pattern. If students do not have an immediate access to the websites to check board results, the SMS method is quite useful.