Rajasthan RPSC LDC Grade 2 Result 2016 and Cut off Marks [Expected Date]

RPSC LDC Grade 2 Result 2016: Check Rajasthan LDC Grade 2 Result 2016 or RPSC LDC Grade 2 Result 2016 with RPSC LDC Grade 2 Cut Off Marks 2016 in coming few days. An employment notification for the post of the Lower Division Clerk (LDC) was announced by the Rajasthan Public Service Commission (RPSC) in the year 2013. But, because of some violation, the examination was canceled and delayed.  Now, the examination was held on 23rd October /2016 by the Rajasthan Board at various examination centers all over the Rajasthan. But, because the paper was leaked, the examination was reorganized and conducted again on 4th October/2016.

RPSC LDC Grade 2 Result 2016 Declaration:

And, after the commencement of the exam, all the appeared candidates are now eagerly waiting for the release of the RPSC LDC 2nd Grade Result 2016, RPSC LDC Grade 2 Cut off Marks 2016. There were 7 lakh candidates, approximately, who have applied and appeared for this exam & now waiting for the RPSC LDC Grade 2 Result Date 2016.

The candidates should note that the official date of Result Declaration has not been announced by the RPSC but is expected to be declared till 25th November 2016.

RPSC LDC Grade 2 Cut off Marks 2016:

The RPSC LDC Grade 2 Cut-off marks are the minimum marks needed by the candidates to score in each section separately in order to qualify for the next stage. Knowing the cut-off marks helps the candidates to prepare better for the examination. Below given the expected cut-off marks for the same.

Section-wise Cut off for RPSC LDC Grade II Paper-I

Subjects Questions Maximum Marks Cut off
Mathematics 150 100 (Each Question will be of Equal Mark) GEN-86-89OBC-78-80,SC-60-63,ST-52-55,PH-50-53
General Knowledge
General Science

Section-wise cut off for RPSC LDC Grade II Paper-Il

Subjects Questions Maximum Marks Cut off
General Hindi 75 100 (Each Question will be of Equal Mark) GEN-88-91,OBC-81-83,SC-61-64,ST-55-58,PH-51-53
General English 75

 RPSC LDC Cut Off Marks 2016 Category Wise:

Category Name GEN OBC SC ST
RPSC LDC Cut Off 2016 (Male) 50-52 % 46-48 % 42-43% 40%-41%
RPSC LDC Clerk Cut Off Marks (Female) 48-50 % 42-43 % 40-41% 40%


The Rajasthan Public Service Commission (RPSC) is going to release the RAJASTHAN LDC GRADE 2 RESULT 2016 or RPSC LDC Grade 2 Result 2016 held on 23rd October 2016. The candidates need to check the official website for the same.

Steps to check the RPSC LDC Grade 2 Result 2016:

  • First of all the candidate need to visit the official website at www.rpsc.rajasthan.gov.in.
  • Click on the link of “RPSC LDC Results 2016″.
  • Fill the necessary details such as name /date of birth and roll number.
  • The result will appear on your screen.
  • Save it and take a printout of it for further use.

Thus, all the candidates are advised to stay tuned to our official portal www.rpsc.rajasthan.gov.in. for the regular updates and more information.